Iată câteva imagini culese de fotoreporterii de la EPA.
epa06807542 A Russia’s fan watches a live broadcast of the FIFA World Cup 2018 Group A preliminary round soccer match between Russia and Saudi Arabia in the fan zone in Sochi, Russia, 14 June 2018. The FIFA World Cup 2018 will take place in Russia from 14 June until 15 July 2018. EPA-EFE/MOHAMED MESSARA
epa06807559 A Russia’s fan cheer for her team during a live broadcast of the FIFA World Cup 2018 Group A preliminary round soccer match between Russia and Saudi Arabia in the fan zone in Sochi, Russia, 14 June 2018. The FIFA World Cup 2018 will take place in Russia from 14 June until 15 July 2018. EPA-EFE/MOHAMED MESSARA
epa06807560 A Russia’s fan cheer for her team during a live broadcast of the FIFA World Cup 2018 Group A preliminary round soccer match between Russia and Saudi Arabia in the fan zone in Sochi, Russia, 14 June 2018. The FIFA World Cup 2018 will take place in Russia from 14 June until 15 July 2018. EPA-EFE/MOHAMED MESSARA
epa06807926 A supporter of Russia during the FIFA World Cup 2018 group A preliminary round soccer match between Russia and Saudi Arabia in Moscow, Russia, 14 June 2018.
Peste 4 ore a așteptat o mamă cu un copil, la un spital din București, pentru o urgență medicală, noaptea. „Pe ce se duc banii noștri?”
epa06807983 A supporter of Russia during the FIFA World Cup 2018 group A preliminary round soccer match between Russia and Saudi Arabia in Moscow, Russia, 14 June 2018.
Și saudiții au avut… suportere!
epa06807858 A Russian soccer fan watches performers on stage at the FIFA Fan Fest in Kazan, Russia, 14 June 2018. The FIFA World Cup 2018 will take place in Russia from 14 June until 15 July 2018. EPA-EFE/DIEGO AZUBEL
Și la ceremonia de deschidere a Campionatului Mondial de fotbal Rusia 2018 s-au distins frumoasa soprană Aida Garifullina și modelul Natalia Vodionova, care a adus trofeul în fața celor 80.000 de oameni de pe Lujniki.
epa06807221 English singer Robbie Williams and Russian soprano Aida Garifullina perform during the opening ceremony prior to the FIFA World Cup 2018 group A preliminary round soccer match between Russia and Saudi Arabia in Moscow, Russia, 14 June 2018.
epa06807497 English singer Robbie Williams (L) and Russian soprano Aida Garifullina perform during the opening ceremony prior to the FIFA World Cup 2018 group A preliminary round soccer match between Russia and Saudi Arabia in Moscow, Russia, 14 June 2018.
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