Jessica Kimber Enslow are 44 de ani și are șapte copii. Are un corp de invidiat, în ciuda celor șapte nașteri prin care a trecut. Silueta ei de vis le-ar face invidioase pe multe tinere.

Jessica a născut pentru prima oară în anul 1994, însă la acea vreme nu era deloc preocupată de forma sa fizică. S-a dedicat creșterii celor șapte copii ai săi și carierei de asistentă, însă ulterior și-a dat seama că trebuie să acorde atenției și felului în care arată. Astfel că a decis să facă schimbări în viața ei.

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The ship has sailed ⛵️ on a 2018 New Years post for me, 🤷🏻‍♀️ but Ill spare you my year in review, as Im sure weve all seen at least 200-300 years worth of peoples lives in the past few days! 😂 And so here we find ourselves on a #transformationtuesday & yes, I know Im 9 months pregnant & in labor with @codyenslow on the left, but as Ive said before, anyone who thinks pregnancy transformations dont count probably has never given birth! Not only do you often gain some extra fat, but a womans uterus stretches to 500 times its normal size, and then returns to its normal size within about a month! Yes, our bodies are so resilient, especially when we take care of them. Ive realized that if you find something you love, youre more likely to stick with it! I now know I pretty much hate plyometrics & running, but I love #weighttraining & #cardio on the elliptical. Im done following the trends & fads that come & go. Thanks to @shaneheugly I know that any form of cardio will work & luckily for me, weight lifting will help sculpt & shape your physique nicely. 👌🏼 Heres to achieving our goals in 2018! Happy New Year friends! 🎉♥️ • • • • • • #fatloss #fitnessjourney #fitmums #fitmamas #fitmoms #transformations #weightlosstips #trainlikeagirl #loveyourselfmore #abworkout #armworkout #fitspo #utahfitfam #utah #utahfitness #howtoloseweight #antiaging #postpartum #countingmacros #momswholift #momlife #pregnantlife #beachbody #bikinibody #glowup #bodyafterbaby #girlsgonesporty

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Pentru a avea o formă fizică de invidiat, Jessica s-a apucat serios de antrenamente. La început a făcut gimnastică acasă, după care a decis să apeleze la ajtorul unui antrenor personal.

În prezent, jessica se antrenează de trei ori pe săptămână la sala de sport și acest lucru se vede pe fizicul ei. Arată extraordinar de bine, având forme impecabile. Când apare alături de fetele ei mai mari, este greu să se facă diferența între ele.

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On the left was the day I graduated nursing school. There are very few pictures of @laurenenslow @alyssa_kimber and I together prior to 2015, for some unknown reason. I was so happy to be done with nursing school. I hated it! I was mistreated by a few instructors, but I dont know what else could have been better for me at that time in my life. It gave me the skills to be more assertive. It allowed me the freedom to take care of my four kids during a divorce and to find my voice. I dont practice nursing anymore, but I know it was instrumental in the person I have become today and the confidence Ive gained and helped my children to gain as well. If something scares you, but you feel compelled to do it, you might want to really consider it. People may judge you, maybe even hate you, but following your heart and your dreams is something you should do! We only have one life. I used to let others dictate whether I pursued something and now Ive surrounded myself with people who encourage me! Its so important to do that! Happy weekend lovelies! Think of what makes you happy and do that! ♥️🥰

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Dosarul 10 August 2018: reperele unui proces început cu 5 ani întârziere. Coloneii Cucoș, Cazan și Sindile sunt la câteva luni de achitare
Dosarul 10 August 2018: reperele unui proces început cu 5 ani întârziere. Coloneii Cucoș, Cazan și Sindile sunt la câteva luni de achitare

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#flashbackfriday is giving me all the feels today. 😌 We havent been able to take a picture together as a whole family since before @nick.enslow moved across the country last October. 😭 So, pardon me for the recycling, but I love pics where we are ALL in them! 🥰 Quite honestly, all Ive been thinking about lately is my family and how much they mean to me. Family is everything. I miss the days when my big kids were little and my little kids were even smaller, but am grateful for the more mature relationship I have with each one as theyve grown. I can still see their little baby faces they once had as I look at them. I remember their sweet smiles, their mischievousness and their cute little idiosyncrasies. Phrases run through my mind often; phrases only my family and I would understand why they bring a smile to my face. “Berries! Lotsa berries!” @alyssa_kimber 🍓 “Gordon Hoe Pinky” @codyenslow 😂 “I love you a lot of lot of lot VERY much!” @laurenenslow 💖 “What the h*ll are they doing over there?” 3 yr old @nick.enslow 😅 Motherhood can be so challenging, but I always knew it was my main calling in life. I knew from a very young age I wanted to be a mom more than anything! Sometimes in the thick of things, Ive lost sight of the true blessings Ive been afforded, but with 3 of my 7 kids out of the house now, I appreciate the days we were all together even more ♥️🙏🏼 #blessedbeyondmeasure #thisismotherhood

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Initially, I constructed a long post in response to a lot of negativity Ive recently received for having 7 kids, but ultimately decided I didnt need to dwell on the negativity here. 🙅🏻‍♀️ This is simply a portion of my journey in life & a platform that connects me to other amazing people and mothers who have an interest in supporting one another, not just physically but emotionally & spiritually. 😇 One question I get a lot is “How do you manage your time with so many children for working out, etc?” 😅 First of all, I have an amazing husband who is very supportive, older kids who can help here & there, plus parents and in-laws who are willing to help out when needed. I also know if theres a will theres a way. I started just working out at home, but once I began training with a professional trainer, it got to be too much for family, so I began paying for daycare at the gym. Now, my hubby & I have it set up where 3 days/week we go while they are all in school. I do cardio before anyone is awake on Mondays & we plan on going on Saturdays & will have an older child help out for a bit. Its been an adjustment for us, but its working really well for now. I always say, “You do what you can!” Be strict about your goals & flexible on how to achieve them! There are plenty of moms out there who have made tons of progress from their own homes. Make modifications, if necessary, but we can all improve our health if we really want to! ♥️ • • • • • • #transformationtuesday #fatloss #fitnessjourney #fitmums #fitmamas #fitmoms #transformations #weightlosstips #trainlikeagirl #loveyourselfmore #weighttraining #cardio #abworkout #armworkout #fitspo #utahfitfam #utah #utahfitness #howtoloseweight #antiaging #timeless #countingmacros #momswholift #momlife #eternallove #beachbody #bikinibody #bikiniprep #girlsgonesporty #fitover40

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Citește și: AUDIO | Metodele mafiote cu care frații Bărbuț i-au terorizat pe angajații AdePlast. Apelul disperat la poliție al unui salariat care spune că se teme pentru viața lui: „Pe domnul director l-au sechestrat în birou. L-au bătut în birou!


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