Vedeta, în vârstă de 30 de ani, îl descrie pe Dave ca „gigantul gingaș” și povestește cât de mult a însemnat bărbatul pentru ea, potrivit

În tributul adus pe Instagram, Jessie a scris: „Dragostea pe care ai avut-o față de copiii tăi a fost totul. Puteam să râdem până de dădeau lacrimile aproape în fiecare zi. Vorbeam despre visele noastre. Despre cele mai mari frici ale noastre. Nu ai fost doar bodyguard-ul meu, am fost o familie. Patru ani. Eu și cu tine”.

Vezi această postare pe Instagram

The love you had for your children. Was everything ❤️ We would laugh till we cried nearly everyday. We created Penelope and the blue Shetland pony together. We talked about our dreams. We talked about what our biggest fears were. You werent just my security, we ARE family. 4 years. Me and you. Remember when you got me the blue Shetland pony cake for the end of The Voice Aus. When we went to see fifty shades in Aus and giggled the whole way through. When you would text me when I was filming The Voice on the breaks to make me laugh. The late night walks we would take together to get some air. Who would shout “banana” quickest. When you came to see me when I was in hospital to cheer me up and I was out of it on anaesthetic and we again just laughed. You were so worried about me. You looked after me. Working out by the side of the bus everyday before the tour. You would push me and tell me I could do better. When you would do anything so I could see my fans waiting. You would always sort it out so it was safe for them and me. When I was terrified on that flight from Dubai to London because of the turbulence and you held my hand for 8 hours. I will never forget that. When we would go shopping and try on silly hats and glasses. When you would carry me to stage because my shoes wouldnt make it through the mud. The way we laughed. I keep going back to that. We had so much fun Dave. Your love for working out. The way you would eat your meals and I would always wish I could be so disciplined. I am now. You inspired me. Your love for your dogs. Your love for tattoos. Your love for travelling. Your gentleness. Your voice. The way you stuck by me when everyone else left. It was me and you in Aus. You were my rock. I wrote this because I want everyone to remember the man you were. You were a gentle giant with a heart so big everyone felt it. I love you so much. We were supposed to meet for hot chocolate next week. I miss you. I will see you on the other side one day. Rest easy Dave / give your Dad a hug from me 💔✨🙏🏻

O postare distribuită de J E S S I E . J (@jessiej) pe

În prezent, nu există informații despre cum a murit Dave. Jessie J este una dintre cele mai apreciate artiste din lume. Din luna octombrie, ea a început o relație cu actorul Channing Tatum.

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