Actrița a făcut schimbarea cutremurătoare pentru filmul, „Ma MA”, unde joacă rolul unei profesoare, pe nume Magda, care se luptă cu cancerul. În ciuda aparițiilor ei elegante și strălucitoare, aceasta e de nerecunoscut în pelicula care a fost lansat pe marile ecrane din Spania, în septembrie, anul trecut, urmând să apară și în alte țări. Penelope dă dovadă de mult curaj, în postura persoanei suferinde de această boală necruțătoare, fiind protagonista unor imagini ale durerii. Aceasta se rade singură în cap, în timp ce e filmată în sânii goi. Gestul îl face înainte să fie supusă unei mastectomii și unui tratament de chimioterapie, înfruntându-și boala cu mult  optimist.

În plus, starul de la Hollywood susține că acesta este rolul vieții ei. ”Este unul dintre cele mai frumoase roluri pe care am avut ocazia să îl joc vreodată. M-am îndrăgostit de povestea acestei femei, care este ca o zeiță, ca o sălbatică”, a declarat actrița în cadrul unui show la radio.

CRUZ IN DRAMATIC CANCER  MOVIE MA MAnnPenelope Cruz is the wellspring of all womanly virtues in ¿Ma ma,nnNervously waiting a few months after finding a lump in one breast, Magda (Cruz) finally drags herself to see her gynecologist, Julian (Asier Etxeandia), who soon delivers the bad news: She will need a mastectomy, preceded by debilitating chemo treatments. She ponders this ill fortune at a soccer game where her son Dani (Teo Planell) excels as usual, attracting the attention of talent scout Arturo (Luis Tosar), who¿s looking for talented young players to enroll in the junior leagues that could lead to a pro career. ¿I needed some good news today,¿ Magda tells her new acquaintance, but just then Arturo gets a call with the worst news imaginable: There¿s been a car accident, one that¿s killed his daughter and left his wife in a coma.nMagda takes the distraught man to the hospital, then continues visiting him there after her own subsequent radiation therapies ¿ which she¿s informed no one else about, her self-absorbed academic husband, Raul (Alex Brendemuhl), having recently abandoned the family for an affair with a student.nThe movie was released in Spain at the end of 2015 but will be released throught the world later this year, 2016.nnPicture shows: Penelope prepares  herself for the operation in a scene from the movie.nn75596nEDITORIAL USE ONLY

CRUZ IN DRAMATIC CANCER  MOVIE MA MA Penelope Cruz is the wellspring of all womanly virtues in “Ma ma, Nervously waiting a few months after finding a lump in one breast, Magda (Cruz) finally drags herself to see her gynecologist, Julian (Asier Etxeandia), who soon delivers the bad news: She will need a mastectomy, preceded by debilitating chemo treatments. She ponders this ill fortune at a soccer game where her son Dani (Teo Planell) excels as usual, attracting the attention of talent scout Arturo (Luis Tosar), who’s looking for talented young players to enroll in the junior leagues that could lead to a pro career. “I needed some good news today,” Magda tells her new acquaintance, but just then Arturo gets a call with the worst news imaginable: There’s been a car accident, one that’s killed his daughter and left his wife in a coma. Magda takes the distraught man to the hospital, then continues visiting him there after her own subsequent radiation therapies — which she’s informed no one else about, her self-absorbed academic husband, Raul (Alex Brendemuhl), having recently abandoned the family for an affair with a student.The movie was released in Spain at the end of  2015 but will be released worldwide later this year, 2016.  Picture shows:  Penelope Cruz shave off her hair before the operation in a scene from the movie  75596 EDITORIAL USE ONLY

CRUZ IN DRAMATIC CANCER  MOVIE MA MAnnPenelope Cruz is the wellspring of all womanly virtues in ¿Ma ma,nnNervously waiting a few months after finding a lump in one breast, Magda (Cruz) finally drags herself to see her gynecologist, Julian (Asier Etxeandia), who soon delivers the bad news: She will need a mastectomy, preceded by debilitating chemo treatments. She ponders this ill fortune at a soccer game where her son Dani (Teo Planell) excels as usual, attracting the attention of talent scout Arturo (Luis Tosar), who¿s looking for talented young players to enroll in the junior leagues that could lead to a pro career. ¿I needed some good news today,¿ Magda tells her new acquaintance, but just then Arturo gets a call with the worst news imaginable: There¿s been a car accident, one that¿s killed his daughter and left his wife in a coma.nMagda takes the distraught man to the hospital, then continues visiting him there after her own subsequent radiation therapies ¿ which she¿s informed no one else about, her self-absorbed academic husband, Raul (Alex Brendemuhl), having recently abandoned the family for an affair with a student.nnThe movie was released in Spain at the end of 2015 but will be released throught the world later this year, 2016.nPicture shows:  A shaven-haired Penelope smiles into the mirror before her mastectomy operation.nn75596nEDITORIAL USE ONLY

CRUZ IN DRAMATIC CANCER  MOVIE MA MAnnPenelope Cruz is the wellspring of all womanly virtues in ¿Ma ma,nnNervously waiting a few months after finding a lump in one breast, Magda (Cruz) finally drags herself to see her gynecologist, Julian (Asier Etxeandia), who soon delivers the bad news: She will need a mastectomy, preceded by debilitating chemo treatments. She ponders this ill fortune at a soccer game where her son Dani (Teo Planell) excels as usual, attracting the attention of talent scout Arturo (Luis Tosar), who¿s looking for talented young players to enroll in the junior leagues that could lead to a pro career. ¿I needed some good news today,¿ Magda tells her new acquaintance, but just then Arturo gets a call with the worst news imaginable: There¿s been a car accident, one that¿s killed his daughter and left his wife in a coma.nMagda takes the distraught man to the hospital, then continues visiting him there after her own subsequent radiation therapies ¿ which she¿s informed no one else about, her self-absorbed academic husband, Raul (Alex Brendemuhl), having recently abandoned the family for an affair with a student.nnThe movie was released in Spain at the end of 2015 but will be released throught the world later this year, 2016.nPicture shows: Penlope looks intothe mirror after the matectomy operation in a scene from the movie nn75596nEDITORIAL USE ONLY
Nascută în Spania, Penelope, distinsa cu un Oscar, e căsătorită cu actorul Javier Bardem, cu care are doi copii.


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