The fence against which a man was � crucified’ in Bushmills, County Antrim overnight.
The man was nailed to the fence and 100 yards away two vehicles were burnt following the savage overnight attack.
One of the vans is believed to be connected to the victim who is currently in hospital.
Police have issued the following statement in relation to the incident :
“ Detectives are appealing for information following a report of a serious assault in Bushmills in the early hours of today, Sunday 5th May.
Shortly after midnight, it was reported that a man had been discovered �nailed’ to a fence with a nail through each hand.
The man, aged in his 20s, also had injuries to his nose and is being treated in hospital where his condition is described as not life-threatening. Also in the public car park near Dundarave Park, two vans including one belonging to the injured man were on fire. Crews from NI Fire and Rescue Service also attended, extensive damage was caused to both vehicles.
Graffiti found on a nearby gable wall of public toilets is being linked to the assault and arson. Detective Inspector Lyttle said: “This was a sinister attack which has left this man with potentially life-changing injuries.
Everyone has the right to live their life free from the threat of violence and this brutal attack by people who violate the human rights of others must be universally condemned. "We live in a democratic society where there is no justification for this.
Those responsible brutalise their own communities and control others through intimidation and violence. “This happened in a residential area with a number of holiday lets which would be busy during this bank holiday weekend and we are asking anyone who noticed anything or who may have dashcam footage to contact us urgently on 101 or confidently to Crimestoppers.
“Our enquiries are ongoing and we would appeal to anyone who was in the area at the time and has any information, including dash-cam or other footage, to contact police on 101 quoting reference 13 of 5/5/24.”
Alternatively, you can submit a report online using our non-emergency reporting form via You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at “
Pictured: GV,General View,Image: 870410644, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: -IRL, -GBR, Model Release: no, Pictured: GV,
Un tânăr de 20 de ani a fost transportat la spital în urma unei agresiuni grave care a avut loc în localitatea nord-irlandeză Bushmills, în primele ore ale dimineţii de duminică, 5 mai. Bărbatul a fost găsit țintuit de un gard, cu un cui în fiecare mână, iar mașina lui a fost descoperită incendiată, în apropiere, relatează Belfast Telegraph și The Irish News.
Serviciul de Poliţie al Irlandei de Nord (PSNI) a anunţat că bărbatul s-a ales cu răni care „ar putea să-i schimbe viaţa, dar care nu i-o pun în pericol”. Bărbatul rănit, inclusiv la nas, a fost transportat la spital cu o maşină de pompieri.
Tot în parcarea publică de lângă parcul Dundarave au fost incendiate două autoutilitare, inclusiv una aparținând bărbatului rănit.
„A fost un atac sinistru și brutal. Trăim într-o societate democratică în care nu există nicio justificare pentru aşa ceva. Cei responsabili îşi brutalizează propriile comunităţi şi îi controlează pe alţii prin intimidare şi violenţă”, a transmis detectiv inspector John Lyttle.
Șeful adjunct al poliţiei, Bobby Singleton, spune că a fost un „incident şocant, cu niveluri de ultra violenţă. Am crezut că acest tip de incidente sunt clar în trecutul nostru”.
UDA, o grupare paramilitară, suspectată de atac
„Acest incident poartă toate semnele a ceea ce am vedea ca fiind atacuri de tip paramilitar, aşa că aceasta va fi o linie-cheie de anchetă”, a adăugat el.
Surse din anchetă spun că Asociația de Apărare din Ulster (UDA) a emis anterior amenințări.
UDA este un grup paramilitar format în septembrie 1971. Scopul său declarat a fost să apere zonele loiale protestante din Ulster și „să combată republicanismul irlandez, în special Armata Republicană Irlandeză Provizorie (IRA)”.