epa10277638 Supporters of Jair Bolsonaro carry out a blockade to protest against the results of the presidential elections, at kilometer 76 of the RJ 116 highway near Nova Friburgo, Brazil, 31 October 2022. The Bolsonaro protesters blocked dozens of highways in Brazil 31 October protesting the defeat of Jair Bolsonaro as they believe that there was ‘fraud’ in Sunday's elections. The blockades, mostly caused by truck drivers, have been registered in at least 70 highway points in twelve states throughout Brazil, according to information from the Federal Police. EPA-EFE/ANDRE COELHO
epa10277643 Supporters of Jair Bolsonaro carry out a blockade to protest against the results of the presidential elections, at kilometer 76 of the RJ 116 highway near Nova Friburgo, Brazil, 31 October 2022. The Bolsonaro protesters blocked dozens of highways in Brazil 31 October protesting the defeat of Jair Bolsonaro as they believe that there was ‘fraud’ in Sunday's elections. The blockades, mostly caused by truck drivers, have been registered in at least 70 highway points in twelve states throughout Brazil, according to information from the Federal Police. EPA-EFE/ANDRE COELHO
epa10277826 Supporters of President Jair Bolsonaro protest for intervention by the armed forces outside of a military command facility after Luis Inacio Lula da Silva won the presidential election the day before, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 31 October 2022. EPA-EFE/Fernando Bizerra
epa10277724 People protest during trucker blockade, on the Presidente Dutra highway, near Volta Redonda, Brazil, 31 October 2022. The Bolsonaro protesters blocked dozens of highways in Brazil 31 October protesting the defeat of Jair Bolsonaro as they believe that there was ‘fraud’ in Sunday's elections. The blockades, mostly caused by truck drivers, have been registered in at least 70 highway points in twelve states throughout Brazil, according to information from the Federal Police. EPA-EFE/Antonio Lacerda
epa10279063 Truck drivers block the Castello Branco highway as a protest after the defeat of the president Jair Bolsonaro in presidential elections, in Barueri, Brazil, 01 November 2022. Truckers blockades, protesting the defeat of the president Jair Bolsonaro in the second round of elections against the progressive leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, continue in several states of the country. EPA-EFE/SEBASTIAO MOREIRA
Susținătorii lui Bolsonaro încearcă să paralizeze Brazilia, după ce Lula a câștigat alegerile prezidențiale. Protest cu mii de camioane pe autostrăzi
epa10277638 Supporters of Jair Bolsonaro carry out a blockade to protest against the results of the presidential elections, at kilometer 76 of the RJ 116 highway near Nova Friburgo, Brazil, 31 October 2022. The Bolsonaro protesters blocked dozens of highways in Brazil 31 October protesting the defeat of Jair Bolsonaro as they believe that there was ‘fraud’ in Sunday's elections. The blockades, mostly caused by truck drivers, have been registered in at least 70 highway points in twelve states throughout Brazil, according to information from the Federal Police. EPA-EFE/ANDRE COELHO