Selling children is a *** tradition regardless of the country in which they are located or the country in which they were born. The association with the Romanians is a very sad anti-Romanian press propaganda. I hope the parents never see the light of day.
Selling children is a *** tradition regardless of the country in which they are located or the country in which they were born. The association with the Romanians is a very sad anti-Romanian press propaganda. I hope the parents never see the light of day.
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Marica13 • 06.03.2024, 14:31
Trăim într o lume nebună și bolnavă mintal
Modoranvasile • 28.02.2024, 06:44
Doamne ferește un copil care se joacă cu jucării să o căsătorească forțat. Acum sa stea mulți ani în pușcărie
Nad4 • 28.02.2024, 01:06
Cei mai mari idioți de pe fata pământului..
Vale25 • 27.02.2024, 20:15
Asemenea oamenii nu ar trebui să fie liberi...
K476 • 27.02.2024, 15:50
Selling children is a *** tradition regardless of the country in which they are located or the country in which they were born. The association with the Romanians is a very sad anti-Romanian press propaganda. I hope the parents never see the light of day.
K476 • 27.02.2024, 21:39
K476 • 27.02.2024, 15:50
Selling children is a *** tradition regardless of the country in which they are located or the country in which they were born. The association with the Romanians is a very sad anti-Romanian press propaganda. I hope the parents never see the light of day.
Acest comentariu a fost moderat pentru: încalcă regulile site-ului.
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