Incidentul armat a avut loc luni după-amiază în apropierea sediului Primăriei din Toronto. Acolo, zeci de mii de oameni s-au adunat pentru a sărbători victoria echipei de baschet Toronto Raptors, relatează postul National Public Radio (NPR), citat de Mediafax.
Focurile de armă au provocat panică în rândul spectatorilor şi o busculadă.
BREAKING: At least 2 people reportedly been shot, 2 other people in custody and 2 firearms recovered by police following a shooting at the Toronto Raptors victory parade. Several others reportedly injured due to stampede:
— Live Report (@tweetlivereport) June 17, 2019
#BREAKING: A photo provided to CP24 by a viewer shows Toronto Police take down a suspect outside Toronto Eaton Centre moments after the shooting at the Raptors celebration occurred. 2 TTC Special Constables also assisted. You can see the gun in the hand of a TPS officer.
— Kris Pangilinan (@KrisReports) June 17, 2019
Potrivit Poliției din Toronto, patru persoane au fost rănite. Un martor a surprins în imagini momentul în care unul dintre suspecții care a deschis focul a fost arestat.
#NEW Video sent by a viewer to CP24 shows the moment one of the suspects were taken down by Toronto Police and TTC Special Constables. Toronto Police now say 4 people were injured in the Raptors parade shooting and 3 were arrested. 2 weapons recovered.
— Kris Pangilinan (@KrisReports) June 17, 2019
foto: Twitter
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