Joanne Petters este o profesoară din Melbourne, Australia, care s-a luptat cu depresia și nu a mai reușit să-și facă timp pentru ea după nașterea celor doi copii ai săi. Astfel, pentru că nu avea niciun stil de viață activ, ea s-a îngrășat cu rapiditate, potrivit

După ce a văzut transformarea unui prieten care a slăbit foarte mult, Joanne s-a hotărât să facă și ea o schimbare.

I like to respond to all questions I get but the one I struggle with most is 'how can I stop falling off the wagon?' If someone had a definitive answer to this, they'd be the richest person on earth. I actually don't think it's possible to not fall off the wagon, it's human nature and if we come to accept that it's part of the journey then we won't spend so much time beating ourselves up over it and most likely move on from it sooner. We don't expect perfection anywhere else in our lives so why expect it from our fitness journey? Motivation is one of those things you need to find within you and even when you have it and feel it strongly it can disappear within days. This is normal… ride out those days but do whatever it takes to remind yourself why you want to change so badly and never lose sight of your goals. For me, comparing pics is the best reminder of how far I've come and it motivates me to continue. All that matters is my starting point and where I am today. The days I spent standing at the fridge or pantry bingeing may have slowed down my progress but they don't even matter now. Yep… I had a fair few of those days. Some of you might remember my crumpet binges where I would toast a crumpet, smother it with butter and honey, scoff it down and move on to the next and keep going until I finished the whole packet. This happened more times than I admitted to at the time but I moved on from it. The crumpets no longer get to come home with me from the supermarket though! 😜 Point is, we all screw up from time to time but it's getting hung up on it that plays with our minds and prevents us from moving on quickly. My advice if you screw up is… let it go… quick smart! Don't try and counteract it with exercise as this gives you a bad relationship with food. Just look forward and continue on with your plan as if it never happened. 😉 . Wearing @publicmyth crop and leggings. 💞

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Femeia a reușit să arate încredibil într-o perioadă de timp foarte scurtă și a mărturisit care este secretul noului ei corp.  Ea a apelat la postul intermitent, o strategie de organizare a meselor de peste zi, cu scopul de a accelera metabolismul grăsimilor și a pierde în greutate, păstrând însă masa musculară.

Muncitori români întorși în țară după 15 ani, ca să construiască autostrăzi: „Ne plătește mai bine ca-n Italia”
Muncitori români întorși în țară după 15 ani, ca să construiască autostrăzi: „Ne plătește mai bine ca-n Italia”

AB JOURNEY. I was 62kg at the top left pic and using YouTube exercise vids (mainly Jillian Michaels 30 day shred) I managed to shed a little fat and start toning up. I was 60.9kg at the top middle pic and that was the start of my BBG journey which many of you know has a LOT of ab exercises. I started making positive changes to my diet and not long after I began intermittent fasting which is not a diet but a tool and I still credit that to the fat loss which helped me see ab definition. My focus is no longer on abs and I no longer specifically work them out. My abs have since gone through a few phases of progression and regression depending on how clean my diet has been at times. My journey has never been about being skinny, but being fit, strong, healthy, and defined. I'm definitely most happy with how I am now (bottom right – 57kg) and any extra muscle I put on or any strength gains I achieve is just a bonus. 😃

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I think many of us have a least favorite angle and this is mine. The first pic was taken two and a half years ago… I had already begun exercising and seeing muscle gain and fat loss by this stage but I hadn't yet made the dietary changes necessary to get past a plateau I was experiencing. The interesting thing to note between both pictures is that despite all my progress I'm in the same jeans. I didn't end up with a wardrobe full of clothes that were too big.. I still have the same clothes, they just fit much better, differently and without muffin top. I've basically gone though a body re-composition where I've increased my muscle mass and decreased my body fat thus changing my shape. I have not gone on any extreme bulking or cutting phases though and my progress has been very gradual. My first Inbody composition scan was taken around the time of the first photo at a health and fitness expo. I was 60.4kg and 25.6% body fat. In my recent pic I am 57.1kg and 19% body fat. Although there is a scale weight difference of only 3.3kg, there is a fat loss of 4.5kg. It doesn't sound like much for such a long time but when you think a block of butter which is all fat is 250g then it's 18 blocks all up. Just picture them all stacked up! 😳 For those of you disheartened when you've lost only 1kg or even 0.5kg, go to your local supermarket, pick up the corresponding amount of butter, hold it in your hands and feel it's weight and you'll soon realise it's well worth losing. 😉 #motivated #dedicated #traininsane #liftheavy #lift #weights #momswholift #musclecoach

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Postul intermitent nu vizează reducerea aportului de calorii și nu își propune să modifice ceea ce mănânci, ci orele la care sunt servite mesele. Joanne a mâncat toate mesele într-o fereastră de opt ore, lucru care i-a eliminat poftele de zahăr și i-a forțat corpulsă folosească grăsimea stocată pentru energie.

Acum, Joanne a și-a făcut un cont de Intagram pentru a povesti despre progresele pe care le face. În momentul acesta, femeia a strâns pe pagina de socializare mai mult de 120.000 de mii de oameni.

Officially the first day of summer in Australia 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 Summer bodies are made in winter and luckily I've had Instagram to keep me inspired, motivated, accountable and on course. If you're on the other side of the world coming into winter, now's the time to work toward your summer body. Set some goals and make a plan. I would even suggest starting a separate fitness account if you don't already have one. Sure it can be embarrassing posting your unflattering pics and putting yourself out there but a journey like this needs support from 'like minds''… People that truly 'get' the ups and downs that go with it. My account started off as 99% food pics and a few headless selfies and through all the support, progress and increase in confidence has turned into a bunch of bikini selfies and captions that resemble novels! 😂

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Dosarul Colectiv: Nicio șansă ca autoritățile să mai fie trase la răspundere penală pentru intervenția haotică din 30 octombrie 2015 sau pentru decesele din spitale
Dosarul Colectiv: Nicio șansă ca autoritățile să mai fie trase la răspundere penală pentru intervenția haotică din 30 octombrie 2015 sau pentru decesele din spitale

I try not to write anything negative on here because I dont ever want it to look like Im hosting a pity party and I also usually avoid stating there are things about myself that I dont like because some people take it as a personal attack on where they are at, but I didnt start this account to sit on the fence with my opinions and pretend to be ecstatic with everything. The pic on the left was part of a series of pics from my last post and a few people picked up there was a major change that happened after this pic. It was taken two weeks before my 40th and a week before starting this account. It was the point I started making changes to my nutrition which made progress visible for the first time. The reason I dont wear this bikini any more is that it is a reminder that although I lost belly fat, I also lost two cup sizes as well. There was a time I actually considered augmentation but the truth is I know I cant handle anything unnatural stuck to me like fake nails, hair extensions or even false eyelashes let alone have something implanted in me so Im left with what I have. All I can say is luckily there is no need for me to ever do a naked plank! 😂 While Ive accepted it for the most part and got by with a good push up bra there are times I feel frustrated that Ive worked so hard to better myself, to the detriment of other body parts. I try to avoid reading comments on my pics that have been reposted on other peoples pages because people seem to be extra ruthless when commenting on those but I came across one the other night where some guy commented that I was flat… twice… just in case people missed it the first time. 🙄 Ummm thanks Sherlock! 👋🏼 While I often get complimented on my skin, I have definitely noticed the signs of ageing catching up. On a good day Im fine but there are days where I look in the mirror and feel Ive seen better heads on mops! My face def looked a lot younger when I had a higher body fat percentage. The things is… You have to take the good with the bad and I wouldnt ever want to go back to how I was. Yeah I had boobs… I also had depression and was weak. When I weigh it up, its clear where Id rather be. 😊

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VIDEO/Sanda Nicola, despre „Carte de identitate”: „Dumnezeu îmi transmite semnale în cele mai interesante maniere”



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