Imaginile cu persoane faimoase și bogate au fost postate pe contul de Instagram Velvet Coke. Internauții au fost uimiți să descopere fotografii nemaivăzute până acum cu idolii lor, potrivit

De la fotografiile vechi ale cuplurilor care nu mai sunt împreună, cum ar fi Brad Pitt și Jennifer Aniston, la fotografii clare cu celebritățile la ele acasă, aceste imagini reprezintă o viziune incredibilă asupra vieții unora dintre cei mai cunoscuți actori, muzicieni și comedieni.

Iată câteva dintre cele mai apreciate imagini postate de Velvet Coke:

When Lady Diana took her children to Disneyland, she made them wait in line like everybody else. This wasnt the only time she wanted them to live a regular life; Diana took the boys to get hamburgers at McDonald's, rode the tube and the bus, and let them wear jeans and baseball caps. "She very much wanted to get us to see the rawness of real life. And I can't thank her enough for that, 'cause reality bites in a big way, and it was one of the biggest lessons I learned is, just how lucky and privileged so many of us are — particularly myself." William told ABC.

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Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney doing dishes 1982. They had a falling out soon after and never hung out like this again. They talked but it was usually snarky and sarcastic.

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First photo of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston together, at a concert in L.A., June 1998.

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Photo from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air wrap party 😭 Dont know about you but watching final episodes of Fresh Prince and Full House gets me the most.

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VIDEO/George Bețianu, boxer, taximetrist, afacerist. E milionar și vrea să-i ajute pe românii de-acasă. ”Încerc să fac poduri”



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