Un italian a aflat dintr-un e-mail că soția lui, care suferea de depresie severă, a recurs la sinucidere asistată: „Am primit mesajul după moartea ei. Intrase în Spam”
No mystery. Someone calls someone else. It is a habit to leave things arranged, shoes neatly placed, clothes and even a letter. It is not surprising that someone chooses a hospital and hygienic conditions. The fact is the same. If he could not choose this, he chose another method. God is a hope for us, but not for them. Specialists say that they have no chance of getting to heaven, because they don't believe in heaven.
durban22 • 08.02.2024, 09:14
Nu sant de acord ,cu aceste lucruri legate de sinucidere, insa in fine viata privata priveste pe fiecare ....
chiruleonard • 06.02.2024, 11:59
Trist ca s-a ajuns in aceasta situatie...
Iulix10 • 06.02.2024, 07:03
Daca nu a mai vrut sa traiasca nu a mai avut nimeni ce-i face.
Aura1 • 06.02.2024, 06:41
Tragic, nu a reușit să treacă peste situația dificilă, totuși să apelezi la astfel de moarte...
K476 • 06.02.2024, 01:07
No mystery. Someone calls someone else. It is a habit to leave things arranged, shoes neatly placed, clothes and even a letter. It is not surprising that someone chooses a hospital and hygienic conditions. The fact is the same. If he could not choose this, he chose another method. God is a hope for us, but not for them. Specialists say that they have no chance of getting to heaven, because they don't believe in heaven.
EmiM • 05.02.2024, 20:03
Este o situație extrem de trista
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